Codici deontologici: medici, infermieri e farmacisti a confronto

Autori/Curatori Costantino Cipolla, Silvia Marcadelli
Anno di pubblicazione 2006 Fascicolo 2004/1
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 17 P. Dimensione file 52 KB
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Costantino Cipolla and Silvia Marcadelli propose a comparison between three professional codes. The professions involved are doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Doctors’ code is very complex, if compared to the others. Even if, for many aspects, the code can be considered very up-to-date even now, the doctor code holds an authoritarian-paternalistic view on patients. Nurses’ code is very clear and open to to patient. Terms like promotion and contribution indicate the pedagogic aim upon which the code si based. Not very much is said about professional training. Pharmacists’ code is not focalised on the relationship with the patient. Yet, there are some signs that show that this dimension is more considered than in the past. A remarkable space is given to the relationships with other health professions. The authors propose to analyse the professional codes through an integrative frame.;

Costantino Cipolla, Silvia Marcadelli, Codici deontologici: medici, infermieri e farmacisti a confronto in "SALUTE E SOCIETÀ" 1/2004, pp , DOI: