Dimensions of well being.

Antonella Delle Fave

Dimensions of well being.

Research and intervention

Edizione a stampa


Pagine: 592

ISBN: 9788846473622

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 2000.1047

Disponibilità: Esaurito

Positive Psychology is an innovative approach to the study of individual behavior and social processes that is attracting increasing interest among scholars and practitioners.
This book includes a selection of papers presented at the Second European Conference of Positive Psychology, organized in Verbania, Italy in 2004. The contributors - coming from Europe, South-East Asia, South Africa, USA, and Australia - are researchers and professionals in various fields of basic and applied psychology.
Each part of the book deals with a specific perspective within positive psychology: the cross-cultural investigation of well-being; dimensions of positive development throughout the life span; contextual and personal factors promoting well-being in education and work; psychotherapy approaches focused on individual resources and strengths; interdisciplinary perspectives connecting the study of psychological well-being with art, sociology, philosophy, and religion.
The chapters, widely differing as concerns topics, instruments and methodologies, tackle various theoretical and research issues. However, they share the common goal of identifying components of psychological well-being and intervention models that can effectively promote development and positive growth at the individual and cultural levels.

Antonella Delle Fave, MD, specialized in Clinical Psychology, is professor of Psychology at the Medical School of the University of Milano, Italy. Her main research interests are the quality of experience in daily life and its long-term developmental and social impact. These issues have been investigated through experience sampling procedures and single administration questionnaires in over 5000 participants, differing in culture, health conditions and lifestyles.

Antonella Delle Fave, Preface
Part I. Well-being and culture
Marié P. Wissing, Jan A.B. Wissing, Marietjie M. du Toit, Q. Michael Temane, Patterns of psychological well-being and satisfaction with life in cultural context
Judita F. Jankovic, Helga Dittmar, The componential nature of materialistic values and subjective well-being: a comparison of students in Croatia, Germany, and the UK
L. Kaliterna Lipovcan, Z. Prizmic Larsen, What makes Croats happy? Predictors of happiness in a representative sample
Dario Galati, Igor Sotgiu, Valerio Iovino, What makes us happy? A study on the subjective representation of happiness components
Elaine Duncan, Ilaria Grazzani-Gavazzi, David Sheffield, Positive emotional experience in Scottish and Italian young adults: summary findings, scientific issues and the way forward
Majda Rijavec, Ingrid Brdar, Dubravka Miljkovic, Extrinsic vs. intrinsic life goals, psychological needs and life satisfaction
Part II. Well-being and human development
Jan Henry, Differing personal development challenge and appropriate self help strategies for differing personality types
Gian Vittorio Caprara, Patrizia Steca, Affective and interpersonal self-regulatory efficacy beliefs as determinants of subjective well-being
Anna Laura Comunian, Resilience and perceived parental acceptance among Italian children
Elena Kaliteyevskaya, Irina Borodkina, Dmitry Leontiev, Eugene Osin, Meaning, adjustment, and autodetermination in adolescence
Marta Bassi, Antonella Delle Fave, The daily experience of Italian adolescents in family interactions: gender and developmental issues
Mareï Salama-Younes, Charles Martin-Krumm, Stephanie J. Hanrahan, Charles Roncin, Children's explanatory style in France: psychometric properties of the children's Attributional Style Questionnaire and reliability of a shorter version
Part III. Well-being at work
Michelle K. Pizer, Charmine E.J. Härtel, The positive impact of high quality leader-member exchange on career-related hope
Leslie E. Sekerka, Richard P. Bagozzi, Moural courage in the workplace: self-regulation as the cornerstone to virtuous action
Debra Panipucci, Charmine E.J. Härtel, Positive disobedience: when norms prescribe the exclusion of dissimilar others
Arie Shirom, Sharon Toker, Shlomo Berliner, Itzhak Shapira, Samuel Melamed, Work-related vigor and job satisfaction relationship with inflammation biomarkers emong employed adults
Part IV. Educational models and interventions
Nash Popovic, Ilona Boniwell, Personal Synthesis Program: bringing psychology to education
Ángels Sánchez-Elvira, Evaristo Fernández, Pedro J. Amor, Self-regulated learning in distance education students: preliminary data
Ottavia Albanese, Caterina Fiorilli, Eleonora Farina, Teachers' style during error management. A Positive paradigm for pupils' learning processes
Laura Bonica, Viviana Sappa, The need for "shared challenges": seccessful training experiences among former school dropouts
Irena Corko, Andrea Vranic, Levels of criteria specificity and the promise of a reward: effects on the judged creativity of the product
Teresa Freire, Leissure experience and positive development of adolescents: from theory to intervention
Charles P. Martin-Krumm, Phipippe G. Sarrazin, Christopher Peterson, Marei Salama-Younes, Optimism in sports: an explanatory style approach
Part V. Health and well-being promotion
Stephen Joseph, P. Alex Linley, Positive Therapy: the interface of positive psychology and psychoterapy
Margaret M. Mistelier, Comparison and integration of positive psychology, psychoanalytic theory, and existential psychoterapy
Meena Sehgal, Hope, resilience and coping among asthmatic adolescents
Gian Franco Goldwurn, Margherita Baruffi, Federico Colombo, Subjective Well-Being Training to increase happiness
Chris Mace, Long-term impacts of mindfulness practice on well-being: new findings from qualitative research
Maria Elena Magrin, Cristina Bruno, Stefano Gheno, Marta Scrignaro, Veronica Viganò, The power of stress: a salitogenic model of intervention
Randy J. Larsen, Caren Lerner, Emotional intelligence and mood regulation following the attack of September 11, 2001 in the United States
Part VI. Interdisciplinary perspectives
Hilde E. Nafstad, Erik Carlquist, Ingvild S. Aasen, Rolv M. Blakar, Assumptions in psychology and ideological shifts in society: a challenge for positive psychology
Dmitry Leontiev, Meaningful living and the worlds of art
S.K. Kiran Kumar, The role of spirituality in attaining well-being: the approach of Sanatana Dharma
David Schuldberg, Complicatio, ma non troppo: a small nonlinear model and the good life
M.G.T. Kwee, M.K. Taams, Buddhist psychology and positive psychology

Contributi: Ingvild S. Aasen, Ottavia Albanese, Pedro J. Amor, Richard Bagozzi, Margherita Baruffi, Marta Bassi, Shlomo Berliner, Rolv M. Blakar, Laura Bonica, Ilona Boniwell, Irina Borodkina, Ingrid Brdar, Cristina Bruno, Gian Vittorio Caprara, Erik Carlquist, Federico Colombo, Anna Laura Comunian, Irena Corko, Helga Dittmar, Marietjie M. du Toit, Elaine Duncan, Eleonora Farina, Evaristo Fernandez, Caterina Fiorilli, Teresa Freire, Dario Galati, Stefano Gheno, Gian Franco Goldwurm, Ilaria Grazzani Gavazzi, Stephanie J. Hanrahan, Charmine E. J. Hartel, Jane Henry, Valerio Iovino, Judita F. Jankovic, Stephen Joseph, Ljiljana kaliterna Lipovcan, Elena kaliteyevskaya, Kiran s. K. Kumar, Mauritis G.T. Kwee, Randy J. Larsen, Dmitry Leontiev, Caren Lerner, Alex Linley, Chris Mace, Maria Elena Magrin, Charles Martin-Krumm, Samuel Melamed, Dubravka Miljkovic, Margaret M. Mustelier, Hilde E. Nafstad, Eugene Osin, Debra Panipucci, Christopher Peterson, Michelle K. Pizer, Nash Popovic, Zvjezdana Prizmic-Larsen, Majda Rijavec, Charles Roncin, Marei Salama-Younes, Angeles Sanchez-Elvira, Viviana Sappa, Philippe G. Sarrazin, David Schuldberg, Marta Scrignaro, Meena Sehgal, Leslie E. Sekerka, Itzhak Shapir, David Sheffield, Arie Shirom, Igor Sotgiu, Patrizia Steca, Marja K. Taams, Michael Q. Temane, Sharon Toker, Veronica Viganò, Andrea Vranik, Jan A. B. Wissing, Marié P. Wissing

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Psicologia della salute, psicologia del benessere, educazione al benessere

Livello: Testi per psicologi clinici, psicoterapeuti

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