Regional seas towards sustainable development

A cura di: Stefano Belfiore, Maria Giuseppina Lucia, Eva Pesaro

Regional seas towards sustainable development

Pagine: 416

ISBN: 9788820487430

Edizione: 1a edizione 1996

Codice editore: 1129.2

Disponibilità: Discreta

In 1975 the Mediterranean became the first marine basin to be involved in an Action Plan within the framework of the Regional Seas Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the year after was the first to enter under the umbrella of a Convention, the so-called Barcelona Convention, designed to deal with pollution. In 1995, the Mediterranean was again the first regional sea in the world to be provided with a new Convention and a new Phase of the existing Action Plan, both aimed at pursuing sustainable development. The consequence was a new political approach of unprecedented importance.

This book includes the papers discussed in a workshop, convened in Genoa, Italy, in 1995, by the International Centre for Coastal and Ocean Policy Studies (lCCOPS), a Non-Governemental Organisation of the United Nations (UNEP and UN Commission on Sustainable Development). Discussion was focused on the Mediterranean, as the core case study relevant to the sustainable development-aimed approach to ocean management on the regional scale, and was framed within the possible and probable development of the UNEP Regional Seas Programme.

Sustainable Management of Regional Seas
Implementation of Earth Summit Agreements: Progress since Rio, by Biliana Cicin-Sain
Institutional Implications of Sustainable Development at the Regional Scale, by Robert W. Knecht
Challenges for Research and Policy: WMO's Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Regional Seas, by G.O.P. Obasi
The Sustainable Development of the Southeast Asia, by Jorge R. Coquia
The Alboran Sea: Ocean Management and International Cooperation in the Context of the Mediterranean Political Framework, by Juan Luís Suárez de Vivero and Juan Carlos Rodríguez Mateos
The Sustainable Development of Small Island States: The Case of Maldives, by Nicoletta Varani
Integrated Coastal Management
Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean: Present State, Problems and Future, by Arsen Pavasovic
Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Lessons from the Black Sea and the Gulf, by Jens Sorensen
Integrated Coastal Management: Past, Present and Future, by Jenish Van der Weide
Integrated Coastal Area Management in the Framework of the Barcelona Convention: Tool or Goal?, by Adalberto Vallega
Prospects of Development of Coastal Management in Russia, by Yuri G. Mikhailichenko
MARSIS and CZIS Approaches for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Case Studies in India, by S. Ramachandran, R. Krishnamoorthy,S. Sundaramoorthy, and D. Mohan
Legal Tools and Decision-Making Systems
Sustainable Development and the Mediterranean Action Plan Regime: Legal and Institutional Aspects, by Evangelos Rafiopoulos
International Law Facing Mediterranean Sustainable Development: The Revision of the Barcelona Convention and Its Related Protocols, by José Juste Ruiz
The Law of the Sea Convention: A Regulatory Regime for the Implementation of UNCED Agenda 21 in the Mediterranean, by Larbi Ahmed Yahia
The Emerging Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility and the Mediterranean Sea Environmental Protection, by Sergio Marchisio
Implementation of the Convention on the Law of the Sea and Its Impact on Fisheries in South-East Asia, by Kathleen Matics
Sustainable Development of the Straits of Malacca: A Legal Perspective, by Mary George
Àpropos de la mise en oeuvre par les États du Chapitre XVII de l'Agenda 21. Quelques réflexions sur le droit français face à la gestion intégrée des zones côtières, by Jean-Luc Prat
Special Issues of the Regional Approach
Natural and Technical Disasters in Regional Seas: An Underestimated Issue, by Herman Th. Verstappen
Higher Education and Training of Mediterranean Coastal and Marine Managers: Towards a Regional Approach, by Aldo E. Chircop
Offshore Oil and Gas Exploitation: Environmental Issues and Management Implications. The Lesson from the Italian Seas, by Maria Giuseppina Lucia
The Impact of Local Environmental Plans on Regional Seas Policies: The Case of the Northern Adriatic, by Anna Marson
Starting a Participatory Process on Environmental Policy Making in Venice, by Valeria Giannella
Education for Sustainable Development: Integrating Business with Coastal Management, by Vincent May

Contributi: Adalberto Vallega, Aldo E. Chircop, Biliana Cicin-Sain, Jeorge R. Coquia, Mary George, Valeria Giannella, Iccops, Igu, S. P. Karthikeyan, Robert W. Knecht, S. Krishnamoorthy, Ahmed Yahia Larbi, Mari Giuseppina Lucia, Sergio Marchisio, Anna Marson, Kathleen Matics, Vincent May, Yuri Mihailichenko, D. Mohan, G. P. Obasi, Z. F. Parviz, Arsen Pavasovic, Eva Pesaro, Jean-Luc Pratt, Evangelos Raftopoulos, S. Ramachandran, Jose' Juste Ruiz, Jens Sorensen, Juan Luis Suarez, Jenish Van Der Weide, Nicoletta Varani, Hermann Th. Verstappen

Collana: Ocean Change Publications