Planning Theory newsletter, n

A cura di: Luigi Mazza

Planning Theory newsletter, n

5/6, 1991

Pagine: 192

ISBN: 9788820474355

Edizione: 1a edizione 1992

Codice editore: 2000.637

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

7 Richard S. Bolan, Planning and Institutional Design
Planning and Perestroika in the USSR and Russia
guest editor: Efim V. Nisevich; papers received January 1991
E. V. Nisevich, Introduction
V. Ivanchenko, Plan, Market, and Forms of Property in Soviet Economy.
A. Stoinik, New Quality of Planning
E. Lobanova, State Order in National Economic Management: Problems and Challenges
O. Yun, National Economic Planning: State of the Art and Beyond
A. Bim, Socialism, Freedom and Economic Planning
E. Mukhanova, Improvement of Planning Approaches as Applied to Evolving Market Environments
S. D. Valentey, E. M. Bukhvald, Strategic Planning of Socio-Economic Renovation in Russian Federation
A. V. Tarkhanov, Some Theoretical Aspects of Regional Social Development Planning
V. Bitunov, Management of Economic and Social Development of the City of Moscow
N. Bek, Strategic Planning and Management of Enterprise Development
E. V. Nisevich, Searching the Way: a Postscript
llya N. Zaslavsky, Population Geography and Settlement Planning in the USSR
We are particularly grateful to Judith Allen, Sergei Artobolevskiy, Sandro De Magistris, Viky Franzinetti, Stefano Moroni, Giancarlo Pallavicini, and Paul Thomas, for their help in producing this issue.

Contributi: Nadezhda Bek, Alexander Bim, Vladimir Bitunov, Richard S. Bolan, Eugeni M. Bukhvald, Vassily Ivanchenko, Elena Lobanova, Eugenia Mukhanova, Efim V. Nisevich, Alla Stoinik, Aleksei V. Tarkhanov, Sergei Valentey D., Oleg Yun, Ilya N. Zaslavsky

Collana: Varie