Italy today.


Italy today.

Social picture and trends. 1999

Pagine: 240

ISBN: 9788846421180

Edizione: 1a edizione 2000

Codice editore: 2000.917

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

Since 1967, the Censis Foundation (Centre for Social Studies and Policies) has published a yearly Report on Italy's social situation. Policy makers, businessmen and experts in the various sector of economic and social policies make large use of the well-structured comments, data and interpretations it gathers. It definitely represents the most highly qualified text for self-appraisal on the part of Italian society.

The Report is traditionally composed by different sections: a first introductory part ("An Overall View") takes into consideration and evaluates the main social issues concerning Italy during the year. The second part (1999 Italy) aims at analysing in detail, thanks to the wealth of data supplied, the most relevant socio-economic changes, in view of their future establishment as regular phenomena.

The third part ("Areas of Social Policy") probes changes and processes in the fields of education, welfare, work, territory, environment and networks, economic actors of development. The fourth part ("Means and Procedures") takes into consideration two strategic sector for social policies: Public Government and Communication.

The present book is a synthesis of the 33rd Censis Report 1999 and is addressed to foreign observers and experts in the social field, as an original tool for knowing and evaluating the current aspects of Italian society and economy.

An overall view
1999 Italy
A container-country
(The New Economy and its potential as a driving force; Privatizations; Italians and their adventures abroad; Italian women between modernity and tradition; The traditional channels of economic life)
A molecular society
(The growing demand for personal security; The approach by individuals and families to social security needs; The growth in self-employment; New social difficulties of molecular growth; Ambivalent attitudes towards Europe)
Areas of social policy
(From reforms to policies; Towards welfare in education; The autonomous status of schools comes into the open; The new task of institutional assessment; The European Social Fund. Inevitable consequences and compulsory efficiencies; The need for skilled human resources; Universities: less students, more graduates)
Work, professional qualification, representation
(Employment without growth; Workers' representation in trouble)
(Changes in demand and new diseases; Planned economy and the retreat of the healthcare system; Biotechnologies in Italy. A costly delay; An aging population. A challenge to healthcare services and social assistance; New residents and the future of integration; Industrial accidents: a high mortality rate; Achilles and the tortoise. The paradox of social security)
Territory and networks
(Real estate fever; The continuing expansion of the real estate market; Life in "Swamp-city"; Risk-prevention and urban refurbishment; Local public services turn competitive; Decentralization and liberalization in local public transport; National railways and the market: a difficult transition; Voluntary environmental certification; The first faltering steps in urban solid waste disposal in Italy)
The economic actors of development
(A laboratory-year / watching and waiting; Internationalism diversifies; Italian businesses put to the Euro test; Beyond Europe. Italy in the Mediterranean; A new approach to debt; Central Italy lives)
Means and procedures
Public government
(Federalism on hold; The 'Pass Project' as the driving force behind administrative innovation in the South; One-stop shops: Pros & cons; Public security; Changes in the Italian Postal Service; Playing with the tax system; The Internet and local government; Italian politics: no clear trends)
Communications and culture
(The revolution is here; Tangible change at last; Italy in Europe; Multi-media users and TV addicts; What's on TV?; Families + TV = "Fiction"; A real "mass culture"; Communication & sponsors; Women and culture)
(Looking through figures; Foreword; Background; Censis: an observer on the watch).

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Rapporti Censis

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