Italy today.


Italy today.

Social pictures and trends. 1998

Pagine: 256

ISBN: 9788846414342

Edizione: 1a edizione 1999

Codice editore: 2000.875

Disponibilità: Fuori catalogo

Since 1967 the Censis Foundation (Centre for Social Studies and Policy) has published a yearly Report on Italy's social situation. Policy makers, businessmen and experts in the various sectors of economic and social policies make large use of the well-structured comments, data and interpretations it gathers. It definitely represents the most highly qualified text for self-appraisal on the part of Italian society.

The Report is traditionally composed by different sections: a first introductory part ("An Overall View") takes into considerations and evaluates the main social issues concerning Italy during the year. The second part ("1998: Italy") aims at analysis in detail, thanks to the wealth of data supplied, the most relevant socio-economic changes, in view of their future establishment as regular phenomena.

The third part ("Areas of Social Policy") probes changes and processes in the fields of education, welfare, work, territory, environment and networks, economic actors of development. The fourth part ("Means and Procedures") takes into consideration two strategic sectors for social policies: Public Government and Communication.

The present book is a synthesis of the 32nd Censis Report 1998, and is addressed to foreign observers and experts in the social field, as an original tool for knowing and evaluating the current aspects of Italian society and economy.

The Censis Foundation is based in Rome. Since 1964, it has been operating in the fields of research and consultancy in the basic sectors of Italian society, gaining increasing recognition from national and international cultural, political, economic and scientific circles, and from public opinion at large.

An overall view - 1998 Italy
(Italy entrenched; The hidden economy holds, but it might not suffice; Italy goes more international than global; New patterns of employment)
Inadequate relational patterns
(Big cities, minimal networks)
An uncertain future
(The future: an uncertain output; The (unresourced) reform of education; A "book-keeper's" welfare system and generational injustice; The paradoxes of technological consumption)
Areas of stability and innovation
(The stamina of local capitalism; The South and its driving force; Less products and more advanced services; For a more citizen-friendly public administration)
Areas of social policy
(Old problems, new scenarios; Autonomous schools: expectations and uncertainties; rom equal status to entitlement; Teachers' enthusiasm for technology; University lags behind in modernization; Integration as a way to strengthen the range of educational opportunities; Making full use of human resources: a slow process)
Work, professional qualification, representation
(The "do-it-yourself" approach; Offsetting flexibility)
(Rights and responsibilities in social policies: slowly a balance is achieved; Decision-making in welfare. Too many powers, too few resources; Deadlock; Social citizenhood, based on labor and local identity; The "conquest" of health. The efficiency approach in the '90s; Strategies to fight social marginalization; A map of social tension. The problems of social marginalization; Immigrants. The social portrayal of an emergency; Radical change in the social security system. From flexibility to inclusion)
Territory and networks
(Towards a new metropolitan order; A broader approach to urban renewal; The environment needs practical policies; Real estate recovery; Urban renewal on the move; The long wait for town-planning reform; Urban performance; Cities for all: including the disadvantaged; Failure to regulate mobility in cities; Digital cities: between technology and mass media; The "seasons" of natural disasters; Environment policies and the implementation of new laws)
The economic actors of development
(Europe and uncertainty; The stamina of local enterprise; The shake-up in local development; Local development; Italy and a stable European Union; The importance of logistics; Territorial Pacts. An instrument of local development?; Bank Foundations and local development; Trade fairs and exhibitions)
Means and procedures
Public government

(The risks of virtual decentralization; Bridging the efficiency gaps; Assessing citizen satisfaction; Increasing responsibility; Delays in institutional reform; Training and responsibility among State employees; Towards simpler forms of justice; Innovation creates division; The new protagonists of urban safety; Focusing on users)
Communication and culture
(New opportunities, new inequalities; Social issues and the media; The invasion of the ultra-movies; The cliché: a "protected species"; Interactive fever; TV addicts vs. multi-media users)
(Looking through figures; Background; Censis: an observer on the watch).

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Rapporti Censis

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