Italy today 2000.


Italy today 2000.

Social Picture and trends

Pagine: 224

ISBN: 9788846429742

Edizione: 1a edizione 2001

Codice editore: 2000.965

Disponibilità: Limitata

Since 1967, the Censis Foundation (Centre for Social Studies and Policies) has published a yearly Report on Italy's social situation. Policy makers, businessmen and experts in the various sectors of economic and social policies make large use of the well-structured comments, data and interpretations it gathers. It definitely represents the most highly qualified text for self-appraisal on the part of Italian society.

The Report is traditionally composed by different sections: a first introductory part ("An Overall View") takes into consideration and evaluates the main social issues concerning Italy during the year. The second part (2000 Italy) aims at analysing in detail, thanks to the wealth of data supplied, the most relevant socio-economic changes, in view of their future establishment as regular phenomena.

The third part ("Areas of Social Policy") probes changes and processes in the fields on education, welfare, work, territory, environment and networks, economic actors of development. The fourth part ("Means and Procedures") takes into consideration two strategic sectors for social policies: Public Government and Communication.

The present book is a synthesis of the 34th Censis Report 2000 and is addressed to foreign observers and experts in the social field, as an original tool for knowing and evaluating the current aspects of Italian society and economy.

2000 Italy
(Taking chances; An exciting upturn for the Italian economy; Adventure-jobs ... after shelter-jobs; Where businesses dare; Calculated risks; Enclosed or globalized?; The problems of going global; Pro's and con's of multiculturalism; The Iooming specter of New Technology; The fear of "others"; Individual escape; Triumph of the body beautiful; Getting away from it all; Feelings re-discovered; At home with virtual technology)
Areas of social policy
(Education for a horizontal society; The drop in literacy levels; Non participatory autonomy; Teachers at the crossroads; The challenge of mass access to university; Education: what is lacking, what there will be; Work, professional qualification, representation; The essential agenda for managing employment; Beyond flexibility. The real problems of development; Virtual representation; Welfare; Widening the horizons of welfare; Pathologies with high social impact; Neo-centralism in local government and the globalization of demand; Motherhood: when and how; Science at a standstill; The value of immigration; New patterns of equity in social insurance; Territory and networks; Real estate gains strength; Opportunities and resources for urban policies in the EU framework; Architecture rediscovered; Local public transport: reform deadlock; The ambivalent nature of accidents: less deaths, more injured; Assessing regional environmental pertormance; Organic foods improve agribusiness; Boosting local products as an opportunity for sustainable development; Biotechnologies in Italy. Between experimental studies and distrust; The economic actors of development; The first fruits of a fragile but steady structural transformation; The production system goes global; The Stock-Exchange as a mean for SMEs to grow; An exciting moment for mass consumption; Industrial districts and cultural neo-capitalism; Innovation in logistics)
Means and procedures
(Public government; The demand for more specifically targeted politics; The Regions' longest year; The Internet. A key to administrative innovation; Crime: national crisis points and local demands; Prisons; The perils of abstentionism; The transformation of state-owned companies; Communication and culture; Communication and 'digital divide'; The pyramid of media consumption; Multi-media users and TV-addicts. Italy and Europe; Europe: What's on the telly?; Journalism. The boom; Violence and stereotypes for a young TV audience; Sports as 'integrated' communication; Gambling as everyday consumerism)
(Looking through figures; Background; Censis: an observer on the watch).

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Rapporti Censis

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