Italy Today 2005.


Italy Today 2005.

Social picture and trends

Pagine: 256

ISBN: 9788846478160

Edizione: 1a edizione 2006

Codice editore: 2000.1144

Disponibilità: Discreta

Since 1967, the Censis Foundation (Center for Social Studies and Policies) has been publishing its annual Report on Italy's social situation. Policymakers, businessmen and experts in economic and social policies make large use of its well-structured comments, data and interpretations. Censis's Report is definitely the most highly qualified text for self-appraisal on the part of Italian society.
The Report is traditionally comprised of different sections. First, an introductory essay ("General Considerations") which evaluates the main social issues concerning Italy during the year. Part 2 ("Italian society in the year 2005") contains a wealth of information which forms the basis of an in-depth analysis of the most relevant socioeconomic changes in view of identifying any regular phenomena. Part 3 ("Areas of Social Policy") probes ongoing processes in a variety of spheres such as education, welfare, work, territory and networks, the economy and the environment. Finally, Part 4 ("Means and Procedures") addresses two spheres such as public administration and communications which play a strategic role in view of social policies.
This book is an abridged version of Censis's 39 th annual report for 2005 and is meant as an original tool for foreign observers to assess current trends in Italian society.

Part I. General considerations
Part II. Italian society in the year 2005
Signals of a tendential economic recovery
(Sparks of economic vitality; The service of economic vitality; The service sector's crive; The "polygamic" evolution of economic districts; Consumption soars towards intangible goods; The flourishing of excellence in research; Betting on professionalism)
Outlines of discontinuity in social homogeneity
(The low horizon on the new rich; The hardships of those without wealth; The powerlessness of individual aspects; The long march of social networks)
The political factor of imperfect evolution
(The chaotic proliferation of decision-making centers; Decision-making conflicts; The weakening of managerial functions)
Part III. Areas of social policy
Education and training
(The growing importance of lifelong learning, amidst an aging population and the lengthening of active life; The difficult relationship between Italians and foreign languages; Orientating and exploiting the talent of women; The asymmetries in the university system; The weak aspect of the European Social Fund)
Labor, professionalism, representation
(Labor markets in deceleration; The underground sector: less business and more work; The fall in value of the difference in wages; Harassment and abuse in the workplace: the silent unease; The future of flexibility in working hours; Women resisting the labor market; The reverse cycle of intellectual professions; Super cadres and managers)
The welfare system
(Innovations in the health system amidst a need for information, athical doubts and daily practice; Welfare Investments when the state is no longer sufficient; In search of quality: ospitalization mobility; The static quality of the generational changeover; The welfare system's still too large-meshed net; Welfare's infinite work in progress)
Territory and networks
(The real estate market: an extended success; Social housing: local policies for sustainable rents; Entertainment, a new driver of urban development; The tumultuous growth of large retail centers; Mobility projects in urban competitiveness policies: Turin's case; Four levers to relaunch local public transport; Road accidents: towards safer behaviors)
The economic elements of development
(Weak recovery brings change; The Italian industry to come; Banks, businesses and Basel 2: truths and false myths of an announced crisis; The distribution networks system, evolution and needs of trade in Italy; The expansion of cooperatives; Symbols and new values of consumption in Italy; The costs of leisure time; Trends in energy consumption and customer loyalty in a liberalized market)
Part IV. Means and procedures
Communication and culture
(More and more Italians are using advanced technologies; A television bubble that is blown every day; The success of the radio continues but the effects are neutral; Paper survives in the digital world; Before buying, people first check the internet; Daily newspapers hold, people like the free ones; TV and minors the "third player"'s struggle to grow)
Innovative processes
(Return to the digital city: integrated online services for the territory; Towards exponential collaborations: the networks of networks; Tapping into horizontal relations within the public administration; Italian households are becoming more and more technological)
Legality and immigration
(The debate on security and legality picks up; Living with immigrants; Security in Italian provinces; Prostitution and trafficking: wo worlds that are growing increasingly close; Uncontrollable events and irrenuonceable habits; Awaiting the right to vote; The growing entrepreneurship of foreigners; The difficult integration of second generations; Awareness of immigrants' right to healthcare is slowly growing)
Looking through figures
Censis: an observer on the watch.

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Rapporti Censis

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