Health&Hospitals in Italy.

Ermeneia, Aiop

Health&Hospitals in Italy.

Annual Report 2016

The 2016 Health & Hospitals Report focuses, as it does every year, on the progress of the Italian hospital system. It is a complex system of services that meets the people’s needs and demands for care and assistance and the reason why the Report always presents two aspects: that of users and citizens and that of the "machine", whose financial and management features relate to a mixed public/accredited private system.

Pagine: 208

ISBN: 9788891755315

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Codice editore: 10035.2

Informazioni sugli open access

The 2016 Health & Hospitals Report
focuses, as it does every year, on the progress of the Italian hospital system: a system comprisiing 1,100 healthcare institutions with 200,000 patient beds, more than 9 million hospitalizations per year and 630,000 employees. All of this operates with a total hospital expenditure of EUR 61.2 billion, corresponding to 54.3% of the EUR 113 billion public health expenditure.
It is a complex system of services that meets the people's needs and demands for care and assistance and the reason why the Report always presents two aspects: that of users and citizens and that of the "machine", whose financial and management features relate to a mixed public/accredited private system, defined by an established law that now dates back to 25 years ago and is perceived, as well as experienced, as such by Italians.
This year it was decided to detect the effects of a "process of accumulation" of official and de facto financial and operational measures that over the past few years have resulted in placing the difficulties of restructuring and reorganization the public hospital system onto the users: through higher charges and access restrictions for users who have reacted by seeking out alternative solutions in the private sector as well as in hospital facilities outside their home region, or even by deciding to postpone or forego treatment. The result has been an increased sense of loss of integrity in the universal and inclusive principle upon which our National Health Service is based (or should be based), and the danger of a future deterioration in citizen health outcomes given the current difficulties for access and the progressive population aging process.
And this is taking place while there are still areas of "Additional Revenues" from the insufficiently transparent funding to public Hospital Centers and directly-managed Hospitals, that may be used to cover implicit budget deficits. Whereas, on the contrary, these could free up resources for the improvement of equipment, organization and especially services for users. The path is getting narrow and the need for a major overhaul of the public hospital system (and the entire health system) is becoming increasingly clear, as is the fact that the inherent difficulties of this profound change cannot be passed on to users and accredited private service providers. The National Health System is a fundamental public asset, but there is a clear need for it to undergo repairs that include the redefinition of its priorities, more efficient use of available resources, and consideration of the consequences of today's actions on the health of citizens in the medium term.

Ermeneia - Studi & Strategie di Sistema
is a company that specializes in providing analytical and consulting activities to trade associations and public and private clients, including those operating in the healthcare service sector, who are actively redesigning their presence and operational methods to remain in step with progressive changes in Italy.

AIOP - Associazione Italiana Ospedalità Privata (Italian Association of Private Hospitals) is a trade association that represents private healthcare facilities and hospitals, accredited or otherwise, throughout every region of Italy, which employ some 65,000, accounting for 10% of the operators of the entire system, who provide hospital services to 15% of patients.

Gabriele Pelissero, The noose
Part One. Creating a decrease in demand as opposed to streamlining the supply
The risk of "deflating" services along with the attitudes and behaviors of users
(A system which persists despite the difficulties; Higher charges and access restrictions as a demand reduction mechanism; The perception of loss of integrity in the system and the ensuing behavior; The likely negative impact of postponing and foregoing treatment today on future public health)
The persistent difficulty in decreasing the supply
(Additional revenues contributing to "freeze" the existing system; The (much too) lengthy path towards the transparency and certification of public health facility financial statements; Permanently underfunded healthcare spending compared to other countries; Efficiency that is directed more externally than internally in the public hospitals; The strong local presence and substantial contribution of private accredited hospitals to high-quality services)
Part Two. Statistical indicators
Facility data
(Number of public and accredited private medical institutions; Bed distribution; Medical equipment)
Activity data
(In-hospital days and patient bed occupancy rate; Types of admissions and discharges; Prevalent DRGs; Activities classified according to major diagnostic categories; Activities classified according to specialty; Patient mobility)
Staff information
(Staff fluctuation over the years; Staff distribution throughout Italy)
Spending data
(Economic flow trends over the years; Health expenditure comparisons)
Methods applied
The complete list of contents of the 2016 Report.

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